Highlights 2018
III National Prison Theatre Festival
After the success of our first two festivals in 2014 and 2016, the third version of the National Prison Theatre Festival was held in March, with the participation of the prisons of Bogotá, Palmira, Valledupar, Guaduas, Girardot and Cartagena. After several months of preparation and dedication, the inmates presented their plays in the best theaters in each city from March 5 to 9. The content of the plays was intended to invite reflection on our actions and their consequences.
The winning groups were the prisons of Valledupar and Girardot, which had their greatest recognition when they presented their play within the framework of the XVI Ibero-American Theatre Festival of Bogotá.
Computer Rooms and Scholarships
During the first semester, the Internal Action Foundation donated a software room with 20 computers to the Modelo prison in Bogotá, thus completing three rooms nationwide, which generate study and training opportunities for the inmates. To date, four groups of women and one group of men deprived of their liberty have graduated with the CREATING YOUR FUTURE scholarships; these are divided into four modules: labour integration, technical-labour training, communication and English for work, and reading-writing and mathematical skills.
![Música para el alma](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/musica-para-el-alma-accion-interna.jpg)
Music for the soul
We took the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra to more than 700 inmates of the Modelo prison in Bogotá, who were able to enjoy classical music, creating with them and for them, a space of growth, harmony and transformation.
INTERNO Restaurant in Cartagena
We have completed a year and a half of our Interno Restaurant, in which we have achieved the recognition and support of more than 8,000 people who have visited us, including many delegations and national and international personalities, such as the Ministers of Justice of Ibero-America, the President and Vice President of Colombia and the Solicitor General.
Thanks to this innovative project we have been able to improve the quality of life of all the inmates from this prison with new beds, mattresses, training in baking, clothing room, systems room, library, construction of dining rooms, laundry, among others.
![Fachada restaurante INTERNO en Cartagena](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/restaurante-interno-cartagena-e1534364359745.jpg)
![Comunidad terapéutica Picota](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/terapia-estrategica-carcel-e1534364450369.jpg)
Strategic short therapy
For six months the inmates of the therapeutic community of La Picota prison have worked in the psychosocial workshop “Transforming my punishment”, in which they have had the opportunity, thanks to targeted therapies, to rediscover themselves and understand the past in their lives. This has become the basis of the new reality they are living today, achieving coherence and making good decisions that expand their vision of the future.
Second chances for the post-prison population
Companies such as Tostao, Justo and Bueno, Prabyc, Charlies and Sr.Wok , have believed in the transformative power of second chances and have supported women and men who have served their time by providing them with jobs.
This time, CARACOL TV joins this purpose of reconciliation and resocialization, opening the doors to our social enterprise Go Lupe: a fast food truck that generates job opportunities for people who have regained their freedom, achieving a real social reintegration for those who made mistakes but, like everyone else, deserve a second chance.
![EC Buen Pastor](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/yoga-carcel-mujeres-bogota-e1534364566498.jpg)
Yoga in a women’s prison of Bogotá
Within our Inner Growth program, elderly women who are deprived of their freedom participated in the first yoga module and received a certificate for having successfully completed the activities proposed during the classes.
This space allowed the revitalization of the mind and body, motivating them to continue doing the daily practice in the management of emotions, anxiety control and strengthening of spirituality.
Conflict resolution and leadership workshops
Program carried out in the Picota prison in Bogotá, the Tunjuelito and Puente Aranda Military Detention Centers, with the purpose of achieving through different activities and methodologies of proven results, the ability to analyze the perspectives of the conflict, assuming a critical and resolute stance towards the acts they committed. This has had an impact result, as they have achieved in a real and convincing way a true motivation to be peace managers, strengthening the ways of a correct communication that manages to disappear the “pyramid of hate”.
![Cárcel La Picota](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/taller-resolucion-de-conflictos-e1534364619540.jpg)
Interno Wine
We are delighted to register this contribution from Casa Domecq Colombia, in which its social responsibility is materialized as a commitment to the country, business vision and clear evidence of believing in second chances.
With the creation of the INTERNO WINE (Sauvignon Blanc Reserve and Merlot Reserve) for the Internal Action Foundation, resources will be obtained to continue fulfilling our mission objective with the prison and post-prison population of our country. It will be sold in restaurants and chain stores.
Interno among the best according to TIME magazine
Our INTERNO Restaurant in the Women’s Prison of Cartagena was recognized this year by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best places in the world to visit. The people in charge of selecting and nominating these sites and spaces were editors and correspondents of the publication, as well as several experts in travel, gastronomy, sustainable tourism and lifestyle. Their selection was based on criteria such as quality, originality, innovation and influence of each place.
INTERNO is the only restaurant in the world inside a women’s prison. In its two years of existence it has contributed to improve the quality of life for the prison population, to reconcile with the community and has provided prisioners with the necessary tools for their reincorporation into society and the working world when they regain their freedom.
![Portada Time](https://fundacionaccioninterna.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/portada-time.jpg)
Long live the THEATRE!
On December 6, we inaugurated the new Internal Theater in the women’s prison The Good Shepherd of Bogotá. For a year the process of restoring this space was advanced, and today it is an adequate place for the artistic expression of the inmates. In addition, the theater has a Holistic Center where women in prison can practice yoga, meditation and training in holistic therapy. During its inauguration, the group of Internal Theatre from this centre of confinement and the artist Andrés Cabas performed.
Allies: Women of Success Foundation, Holistic Center.
BARBERY in the Model Prison of Bogotá
The Internal Barbershop is a space designed and created by the Internal Action Foundation so that all the people deprived of their freedom in the Model Prison can be cared for in a dignified space by their own colleagues, who have been trained by expert stylists in our country. Inmates receive classes in styling, barbering, and hairdressing, among others. The purpose is to train them in professional techniques that will prepare them for an adequate job reinsertion.
Allies: Makers Mode , Vidal, Schwarzkopf.
Internal Canine Center
The Internal Canine Center was inaugurated in October of this year. It is a space specially conditioned for the inmates of the Good Shepherd Women’s Prison in Bogota, to have access to assisted therapy with pets in order to improve their self-esteem and social behavior. This is achieved through experiential activities for awareness, care and training of the dogs, as well as psychosocial support.
Allies: Cusezar, Claudia Hoyos & Partners, Mark Lee, Laika, Patricia Toja, Patricia Pineda, Orlando Torres, Concimet, Corona, Alfagres, Pintuco, Argos, Transport and Aggregates Cordoba, Cointelco, Ferreteria Hermaco, WC
First LGBTI beauty contest in La Modelo
For several months we were preparing for the first LGBTI beauty contest in the history of Bogota’s Modelo prison. Twelve candidates participated and each represented a yard of the establishment, thus involving the entire prison community. This initiative became an opportunity for inclusion, tolerance, respect and second chances. The event made it possible to achieve significant progress in coexistence and acceptance.
Partners: LGBT Chamber of Commerce, Syrovy, Masglo, Fun2lash, Zandan, Petunia Reposteria, Tostao, Architecture and Production, Group 4, Flowers for Gifts.
Pajamas for everyone
Fulfilling our missionary objective of improving the quality of life for the prison population, in July we delivered 2,500 pajamas for all the women in the Good Shepherd Women’s Prison in Bogotá and the San Diego District Prison in Cartagena. Also to the custody and surveillance body of both establishments.
Ally: National Police
Visit of the New Government
President Iván Duque, Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez and the entire Ministerial Cabinet were at the Interno restaurant in Cartagena in August to learn about our three lines of action and model of intervention in Colombia’s prisons.
Allies: Ministry of Justice and Law, INPEC
El Redentor Juvenile Detention Center
Young people deprived of their liberty participated in our workshops on productivity, entrepreneurship, business creation, financial education, psychosocial care, conflict resolution and leadership. These young people were able to formulate their own business plans so that when they regain their freedom, they will have the necessary tools to empower themselves as agents of positive change.
Ally: Reconciliation Colombia
Seed Capital
This is a program that supports entrepreneurships of both post-prison and prison-headed mothers, with the creation of a business plan, its implementation and monitoring. One of the projects chosen was the bakery at the Good Shepherd Prison, which received training and advice from chef and baker Mark Rausch. For this Christmas we made the Big Bread of the Second Opportunities that will be sold to the public during this time.
Allies: Give it 4ward Foundation, Women’s World Corporation
Clothing Centers
With 20 new flat machines, we created the first clothing workshop for post-penitentiary users of Freedom House. This space has been an opportunity for people who have recovered their freedom to train and have job opportunities with important companies. Similarly, in the Modelo prison we donated 8 industrial flat machines and 14 professional machines for the creation of a professional clothing workshop.
Allies: DesignLab, PatPrimo, Colsubsidio.
Happy holidays!
Christmas celebration for the children of the inmates of the Good Shepherd prison and for the children of the people who have already recovered their freedom, users of Freedom House. The children enjoyed various recreational activities, swimming, construction, doll spa, neon party, gifts and the visit of Santa Claus.
Allies: Dream Team, Children Sport, Mimeti Pastry