Trabajo Interno

Intern Arts

Art as a healing tool and form of expression. Art heals, frees and transforms



A theater presentation is organized  in each of the six regional INPEC prison regions. The winner is presented at the Ibero-American Theater Festival.

Theater has proved to be, not only a healer from the occupational point of view, but as an emotional liberator as well. Likewise, it strengthens inmates self-esteem and transforms the feeling of being judged by society to a feeling of respect and admiration, which makes re-socialization possible.

Presentations from theater to the general public seek to break the stigma that is generated in the relationships of the detained population with the social population, product of the experiences of both parties... To date, 250 inmates have transformed their lives through theater and have presented it to more than 20,000 people in society.  These participants are an example of self-improvement and genuine resocialization.


Central Region

Bogotá, La Picota

“Julio César” by William Shakespeare.

Director: Rafael Sánchez

Inmate actors: Mario Alfonso Salazar Vargas, Luis Jesús Garavito Chávez, José Albarino Ovalle Arias, Julio Ernesto Castro Pulido, Hilbert Orfan Castellanos Marín, Uberney Ortiz Quesada, Orlando Herrera Ávila, Edgar Marino Potes Salazar, José Fernando Peñuela Beltrán, Pedro Sebastián Chica López, Misael Poloche, Guillermo Arenas Abril, John Jairo Castañeda, Darío de Jesús Correa Ortiz, Rubén Ángel Santana Rocha, John Jairo García Triana, Frederman Escobar Ramírez, Olvein Quilindo Chetre, Jorge Eliécer Paternina Osorio.

Bogotá, from El Buen Pastor – Women’s Reclusion Center

“La casa de Bernarda alba” by Federico García Lorca

Director: Victoria Hernández

Inmate actresses: Ingrid Bohne, Teresa Aparicio, Esperanza Bustamante, Claudia Ramírez, Meceyni Montero, Dayán Jiménez, Patricia Loaiza, Karina Andrade, Wanda Michelle Henao, Ángela Mejía, Mercedes Cuenca, Miriam Langa, Patricia Giraldo, Yury Bustos, Sandra López, Luisa Fernanda Muñoz, July Marisela Aceros, Maryluz Agray, Dora Alicia Galvis, Lorena Ramírez, Cristina Muñoz, Katherine Zamora, Gloria Ladino, Raquel Santos, Paola Rozo, Carolina Hernández.

North Region

Barranquilla, Cárcel El Bosque

“Esperando a Godot” by Samuel Beckett

Director: Luz Ángela Villamil

Inmate actors: Alexander Rodríguez, Jhonny Estrada, Bladimir Estrada, Eliset Moscote, Alex Vanegas.

West Region

Cali, Cárcel Villa Hermosa

“El monte calvo” by Jairo A. Niño.

Director: Lisímaco Núñez

Inmate actors: Óscar Junior Mina Mosquera, Juan David Sánchez Ararat, Andrés Mauricio Valencia Rodríguez.

Northwest Region

Medellín, Cárcel Pedregal

“Roberto Zucco” by Bernard M. Coltes.

Director: Gloria Sierra y Víctor Gómez

Inmate-actressess: Leidy Tabares, Marlies Aidé Montoya Tobón, Diana Marisol Montañés, Maryon Andrea Zapata, Claudia Bedoya Uribe, Adi Johana Taborda Mosquera.

Old Caldas Region

Ibagué, Cárcel Picaleña

“El burgués gentil hombre” by Moliere.

Director: Dairo Quiceno.

Inmate actors:: Édison Pérez Andrade, Eugenio Puertas Molina, Juan Carlos Cruz, Jorge Eliécer Díaz Giraldo, Américo Palacios Peñaloza, José Esléider Carvajal Rodríguez, Daniel Ricardo Giraldo López, Nelson Alexander Álvarez, Edgar Freddy Hernández Hernández, Yury Mayerly Marroquín Henao, Maria José Fernández Meneses, Sandra Paola Marín Tovar, Claudia Muñoz Bohórquez, Liliana María Hernández Moreno, Daniela Caro Rivera, Luisa Fernanda Calle Gaviria, Daniela Restrepo Ríos.


Central Region

Bogotá: from El Buen Pastor – Women’s Reclusion Center

“Yo soy Antígona” by Sófocles, Adapted and written by Victoria Hernandez.

Director: Victoria Hernández.

Inmates actresses: Leidy Milena Castro Cañaveral, Sofía Vélez, Julieth Barrios, Paola Andrea Rozo, Claudia Margarita Ramírez Gómez, Maria Sandra López verdugo, Luisa Fernanda Muñoz, Manuela Henao Gallego, Mayerly Montes González, Angie González, Olga Cecilia Pasito Pedraza, Ángela Verano Cristina Rodríguez, Diana Casallas, Maritza Acosta, Katty Peña Mora, Alejandra Martínez, Mónica Villot Bendyas, Lina Barrios, Claudia Medina, Angélica Natalia Marín, Stefany Julieth Carreño López, Johana Marcela Ramírez Almanza, Katherine León.

West Cali Region

Jamundí, Valle del Cauca: Jamundí, Penitentiary and Prison Complex.

“Los Bandidos” by Friedrich Schiller.

Director: Lisímaco Núñez.

Inmate actors and actresses: Doris Suárez Guzmán, Sigita Milakyté, Alejandra G. Correa, Astrid Londoño Pérez, Alba Medina, John Atenorio Arboleda, José A. Monroy Cortés, José David Buenaventura L., Esnoraldo Torres Osorio, Carlos Andrés Murillo, Julián A. Paz Girón, Layonner Pulido Puentes, Herinaldo Vásquez, John W. Rodríguez, Francisco Y. Tello Mosquera, Felipe A. Paja.

Jamundí Alfaguara Colosseum

East Region

Cúcuta: Metropolitan prison and penitentiary complex.

“La orgía” by Enrique Buenaventura.

Director: Nancy García.

Inmate actors and actresses: Heinson Sebastián Urbina García, Jennifer Amariz Mora, Pedro David García Durán, Jesús Damián García Q., Katy Carolina Martínez, Claudia Liliana Lozano, José Alberto Segura O., José Luis Lindarte Guerrero, Ángel Giovanny Mora, Huberney Restrepo, Diego Zapata, Mirger Carolina Hernández, Deibis Mildred Castro.

Theater Zulima in Cúcuta.

North region

Montería: Penitentiary Establishment of Medium Security and Prison Las Mercedes.

“La ópera de los tres centavos”, by Bertolt Brecht.

Director: Miguel Gambín

Inmate actors and actresses: Claudia Patricia Villegas, Nancy Linga Gómez, Maria Angélica Oliveira, Silveria Miranda, Jonathan Malagón, Jorge Juez, Giselle Cantillo González, Carolina Rincón, Emanuel Ibáñez, Katy Paola Bujato, Lucía Fuentes López, Diana Rodas, Graciela Velasco, Norman del Carmen Barrios, Maria Isabel Pino, Maritza Zapata, Danilsa Ospina, Juan José López, Mónica Rojas, Tatiana Tapia, Lina Urrego.

University of Cordoba.

Old Caldas Region

Armenia: Detention Center for women in Armenia - Carcel Villa Cristina.

“Nuestra Natacha” by Alejandro Casona.

Director: Jaime Torres.

Inmates actresses: Angie Johana González, Ana Nydia Leguizamón, Julieth Patiño Patiño, Maria Elena Carvajal, Evelyn Zúñiga, Adriana López Villa, Myriam Granados, Luz Myriam Granados, Luz Margie Hoyos, Stella Acosta Suárez, Viviana Andrea García, Esmeralda Gil Quintero, Astrid Botrón López, Keila Forero Quintero.

Red Cross Auditorium in Armenia.

Northwest region

Itagüí, Antioquia: Penitentiary and prison establishment of special detention and Pavilion justice and peace – La Paz

“Desde adentro”, unpublished work of the director Ricardo España Co-created and scored by members of the theater group.

Inmate actors: Luis María Cristoveo Carrico, Joan Arley Vallales, Edilson Becytez Herrera, Heider Andrey Monsalve, John Jairo Medina, José Mauricio González, Luis Eduardo Correa, Juan González Zuluaga, Gustavo Adolfo Marín, Juan Carlos Ledesma, Juan Carlos Soto, Mauricio González, Juan Leyton, Luis Cañaveral, Dionisio Puerta.

Small Theatre of Medellín.


A space where the inmates have the opportunity to see plays, where their peers participate at the courtyard.  Total coverage for all inmates of the penitentiary.


It is an outside of prison concert where recognized artists join a prison bands

Andrés Cabas was the first recognized artist to participate with the musicians in Bogota’s Carcel La Modelo

The inmates who participated were:

Carlos Farid Ríos
Leider Leonardo Ortegón
Ronald Hernández
Rodrigo Arcila
Rodrigo Aguinaga
Jhon Edison Rojas
Luis López
Carlos Enrique Díaz
Carlos Alberto Villegas


Under the direction of Marta Visbal and her team, the first exhibition of art and reconciliation was held in 2016 at Casa Libertad. Released inmates had the opportunity to present their work. Two pictures were sold in this first exhibition.

The participants of this first exhibition were:
Hector Javier Rodríguez
Yolima Ojeda
Jhon Berdugo
Jeison Acevedo


Libardo Mejía
Ana Maria Hernández
Silvana Riaño
Natalia Reyes
Rashed Esteffen
Adrián Tovar
Carolina Barca
Andres Cabas
Eduardo Cabas
Marta Visbal
Lina Rojas


Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho
Fundación Teatro Nacional
Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro
Policía Nacional